16 y
Status: ~RN [Message
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--Testimonial--Fountain of Youth--
I am taking progesterone from a compounding pharmacy. In Canada it has been a relatively new treatment and was difficult to find a doctor and a pharmacy to work with.
To take the salvia test would be very expensive as it would not be covered by our health insurance. I however have an excellent gyn who worked with me by symptoms.
I was initially presecribed the bio-estriol and testoterone but no longer use these two. My blood work showed that my testoterone level was very elevated so quit that and eventually weaned myself off the estriol. My gyn told me that even bio-estriol is not recommended for any extended time
The doctor told me that progesterone (natural) was safe and that I could use it regularly, for always, giving myself a weeks break each month. I have tried going off it but then all my previous symptoms start again.
I have been using the ML protocol for a year now. Just once a day, it seems to be working fine for me. I look better, I believe the drink is as close to the fountain of youth that you can get. Are you a long time user and what success have you had?
Good health to you!