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Re: My time with MMS is running out

J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine
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Re: My time with MMS is running out

Thanks for all the encouraging replies everyone. I just thought I'd add a few more details about the rest of my protocol, as I was pretty sketchy about everything except the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .

Thanks for the suggestion Barbara, but I have been taking CMO for the last 6 weeks or so and, so far, no difference I'm afraid, although it does give me super smooth hair and hydrated skin!

I also take 20ml of hempseed oil (for omega 3/6/9) most days as part of the shangri-la diet that I do. (I lost 30 lbs on this diet very easily by the way... and it's free - the instructions were given away free by the author, much like Jim Humble did, google it!)

I also take 4 Zywobim Forte enzymes (bromelain, etc) every morning. This gives me much needed energy.

I take 1000mg vitamin C each morning and a high quality pregnancy multi-vitamin/mineral/vitex blend. This also gives me energy strangely enough. It may be the Iodine it contains??

I also take calcium/magnesium/potassium orotate powder (half a teaspoon) mixed in a glass of water each day. This helps with the Arthritis too.

I also use magnesium oil from time to time (and I've noticed since using the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement that it doesn't sting anymore, anyone else noticed this?)

I also take one or two, 10 billion-strong probiotics every day.

Ldsfireguy, do you know whether the yeast in Kombucha tea is okay? Or does that fall into the bad yeast list? I have some bottles of kombucha tea and like the stuff, but haven't drunk any since starting the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I'd like to resume, but would it be a bad idea?

As for the emails about continuing with the MMS. I tend to agree in principle that the MMS will be out of my system very quickly if I need to stop it due to pregnancy, and I read what Jim Humble said about it being safe in pregnancy, and if it were just about me, I'd probably take it. But there are several drugs I HAVE to continue taking whilst trying to conceive, whether I want to or not, so I'm trying to shorten the list of unknowns.

Plus, as it happens, prednisolone is about the safest drug I can take throughout pregnancy in actual fact. I took 5mg daily throughout the pregnancy with my son, as my pregnancy-induced remission was only partial - but very welcome nonetheless! I stopped everything else I was taking either several months beforehand, or as soon as I found out I was pregnant. (I knew the day the embryo implanted, as I literally went into remission at lunchtime the next day!)

Finally, Angelofeventide. Thanks for writing what you wrote. This has been my thinking too up until now. Try and get well before another pregnancy. I have been trying so damn hard. But I agreed last month with my husband to start trying in February, and I've already put it off eight months whilst trying minocycline, so I feel that maybe I've got to stop putting it off. My fertility isn't great as it is, and it could take years to get pregnant, so I can't just assume it will happen when I want it too.

On the other hand, I do think you're right in what you say actually. I'd dearly love to give my family the gift of my good health, but I'm starting to wonder whether remissions are things that happen to other people and not me. *Sigh*. I don't want to be defeatist, but life will go on, whether I cure this or not. And I will be happy either way. I have a truly terrific life even with the Rheumatoid Arthritis . I desperately want to be well, but I also want to know when to move on. I don't want to postpone my life 'until I get well'. You know what I mean, I'm sure. It's a tough decision isn't it! I just keep thinking, I have the rest of my life to get this right, but my son could do with a sibling sooner rather than later. I'm 34 by the way, so not utterly decrepit yet!

Thanks for your input everyone! I really and truly appreciate it and will continue reading the forums and rooting for you all!



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