Re: My time with MMS is running out
I am in the same boat that you are, but I am 41 and time is not on my side for getting pregnant. However, I have been trying for over 2 years to get pregnant and have not been able to do so. I am certain my health problems are causing my infertility and thus until I get well, I don't think I'll be able to conceive. The other thing is, I was told by my OB to not get pregnant until these major health problems are cured and I do have systemic candida for one of my issues, as it could infect the baby. I don't know how old you are, but unless you are nearing 40, I would highly suggest taking the time for you and any future children, to heal you first, so as not to put either you or your baby at risk for complications or health problems. The only "obligation" as you put it, that you owe, is to yourself first. And I have a strong feeling that if you could get up to the dose recommended at a healthy pace, that your
RA would disappear. There are many studies out there that point to a connection between
RA and viral and/or bacterial infections. If you can erradicate those with the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , then you could most likely get rid of the RA. I think you were just not at the highest dose yet that you needed to get there. Give yourself another month or two and then make this decision. What is the urgency to do get pregnant in another month? Think of it this way. If you are not healthy, you are not doing your child or children any good by being sick and tired all of the time.