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Re: Nails been looking strange
buginson Views: 3,087
Published: 17 y
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Re: Nails been looking strange

Well so far been very strict with my diet, i know it's early days but it apears to be getting a little worse as my thumb is showing signs of the same thing.

To try to set the record right, the very tip of the nail is very slightly darker (distal nail plate) and able to be partly pulled away from the bed with scissors. Below is a white area, like that when you press on the nail plate let go, from pressure. When I bend my fingers the colour in the light area returns to a normal colour (pink) but with fingers straight they have the a white area across them. Also when my fingers are straight, I can feel a slight pulling from the tips (almost dry pulling feeling) my nails also ever so slightly curve down at the tips.

From what I can make out, it's almost like the skin underneath is being pulled tight, thus the red tip to the nail. This then effects the blood circulation underneath which causes the white area. The tip of the nail is partially attached due to the pulling force. The skin on the very tip of the finger keeps its shape to what ever you put pressure on (like when you lie on something and get the imprint of it on your skin) for some time. Although when the skin is more soft, the tips the nails seem much better, say in warmer weather.

Does this answer any more questions? Does it sound like something you know of?
Any diseases that could cause this?

Any other help would be great!
Anyone else who has this condition?


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