Does rotting breast mean cancer is getting cured or getting worse??
PLEASE HELP.... my mother has had
Breast Cancer for almost 2 years now.
she is not doing chemo or surgery. she has been doing the following holistic treatments. pau d' arco,
parasite cleanse, amazon factor, ahcc, graviola, and many others.
but for the past year now things have changed and i'm not sure if she is getting better or worse.
The standard allopathic doctors say she is getting worse. but my mother is not sure to believe them. Her right breast is swollen and rotten. she covers it with gauss
and wraps it up. she has warts that are oozing puss, and some of her breast tissue has now rotten and fallen off.
Under her armpit right side her doctor sayd her lymph nodes are swollen and infected.
when you look at her.. her arm pit is dented and "hard as a rock".
Because she has been doing holistic treatment, does this mean her body is purging the cancer or is the cancer getting worse??????
allopathic standard doctors say its getting worse... In some cancer alternative treatment books they say it will get worse before it gets better.
I dont know who or what to believe anymore.
Please anyone and everyone i want to hear your opinions.
Also if most people think its getting worse. what hospital or doctor can i take my mom too in the State of Rhode Island or near Rhode island that would have
the ability to help holistically. NOT USING CHEMO!!!!
For example is there anyone near Rhode Island that does ozone therapy on breast cancer???
whats the closest place besides flying out to Mexico to get treated by
Hulda Clark .