Your advisor is correct.
As one who deals in mortgages on a daily basis, your advisor and this poster are correct in saying "the economy will take care of itself"...basically. "Leadership" usually refers to how many tax checks you are going to write during that "leadership span". Government is parasitic...perfect description by the previous poster. They take from the productive and give to the non-productive. Whichever side of the fence you live, that's the "leadership" you'll elect. If a Democrat is elected with Democratic Congress and House, you're in trouble if you are a producer. Big trouble. But not so much trouble as to stop investing, stop buying a home, or running your financial life. You will be writing bigger IRS checks for the bottom-feeders, though, and America in 2008 is about 50% victims with their collective hands out. Beggers. A Republican, with Democrat House and Senate is what I'm looking for...stalemate. I like stalemate. Producers like stalemate because they can fend for themselves and want little to do with government programs and such. So, bottom line is that if you make some money, approximately $75K on up, and want to keep some of it for Republican. If you make less than that, or have some kind of guilt that you're not paying enough, and want to hand it over to the lazy, the wasteful, the vote Democrat. They'll be glad to take your money through increased inheritance taxes, increased capital gains...they'll take it.