Re: Why I Stopped Juicing - Important -
I'm not necessarily debating what you've said, at least, not yet, but want to make sure I understand what you are saying. The way you said "then i found out....", at first I thought this meant that you were about to describe how you found, from first hand experience. But then you didn't cite any first hand experience, only a reference to an article. In the context of your post, are you saying that article represents the entirity of how you "found out" ?
This is probably too late for you to consider, but can you remember how you were really feeling BEFORE you read that article that seems to have since helped to change your mind? How were you really feeling as a result of
juicing before somebody else put the suggestion in your mind of how you might be feeling? Again, the way you said what you did, it appeared as though you were humming along, juicing, happy with life.....but then suddenly, oh no, you "found out". Was there anything in the article that you found actually mirrored some of your own experiences? Was there anything in the article that you know are contrary to how you felt from
juicing before you read the article?
You also put the word "important" in your subject line, and this also sort of gave me the expectations to find something important in your message. After the fact, I was left with the impression that what I found as a really important aspect of your message was probably not what you had in mind. To me, an important aspect of your message comes from implication moreso than anything you said overtly. This leads me to ask - when you posted that post, what exactly were you thiking was the important part of your messaage; anything to do with your own first hand experience, or just the article that talks about a study?
While on this subject of things that are important, are you willing to consider that there are times when your own first hand experiences might be as important, if not more, than other people's experiences that you get second hand, third hand and from people who publish an article that refers to a study done by yet other people?
I really am not trying to be rude, just trying to be clear on what it is you were saying. If that article got you off
juicing and you can now point to specific improvements in your life as a result, well, that's really the important thing to consider no matter what anybody else, even articles, even studies, may be tryign to convince you. Thanks.