Re: How sad
I take it ALL back.I just realized that thinking back,there were THREE different occasions when I had seen her ugliness in action when she thought no one was looking or paying attention.I walked in and overheard her going on and talking crap about some other workers leaving early or something and complaining to one of the other girls..then she hushed up right when I walked in.Earlier today,she had asked for help on a certain process of an program online,I gave her notes and EVERYTHING pointing out to the T what to do..and still NOTHING,took her an hour and like 2 other people just to help her out lol.I am like dude..over ONE correction she had to do that I could have done myself for her (sometimes I do,takes about2 minutes lol) but chose NOT to.
She is NOT stupid,there was an error and she had went through the paper work,went through the system online herself and corrected it all on her help,no nothing.I was kinda stumped in what to do lol,it was real late and everyone was rushing to get out..I guess 10 minutes before work is off is not the right time to play dumb eh? lol.
I am just tired of her acting a fool and all her little insults she says indirectly..
eeeuuuuyyyuukkk! god thinking back I see all the little things she would do to manipulate people..including ME,I just feel like I am soo sickened by it all!
I am done,she can sink in her tentacles into someone else! Just gonna shun her
til she disappears right out of my consciousness lol..
she can drowned in all of her work for all I care..if she wants help,shes gonna have to try a little harder,be more assertive or look at her friggin' notes.
She plays soo stupid but she has the training logs/procedure book right there and studies EVERYDAY...just tired of her BS.