It's judgement
That's easy to answer, but there are 2 answers
1. I don't think any of those are disabilities. If a person is mute, then to believe they should be able to speak is judgement.
How do I know they shouldn't be able to speak? because they can't. All stress stems from arguing with what is.
From a LOA view, that person may say, "I want to speak". I would ask why? Perhaps the answer is they want to be able to communicate. And I would say that there are many more ways to communicate than just by opening their mouth and making words.
2. IF someone is "trying to fit into society" then everything is a disabilty.
Because it's all about what you believe is "normal" or "right" or "good" or "standard"
You could translate your question to what is worse? Being Fat, Thin, Black, White, Jewish, Cathlic, Heterosexual, Homosexual, Young, Old etc. Do you see? In some situation, being anything that you are is a disabilty.
It is only judgement, polarity thinking, irreleveant if it comes from the self or from others.
From wherever you stand, irrelevant of the circumstances, you have come into this life with, you can choose your perspective and attitude. And the way you feel about yourself will dictate what you attract in terms of what you want and what you do not want.
To acknowledge, love and accept 'What Is' is always the place to start. To continue thinking 'What Is Is' and that's the end of it, and keep it as a reality, is death.
No, the blind man can see. He sees colours and he can describe them to me. But that is not really related to this topic.