Re: The myth about gall stone flushes.
88809, I don't know about the others, but I'm sure glad you're here! Apparently someone else is also from the RRR this post got!!
My mother had gallbladder surgery before I became ill with my liver. I'd seen gallstones straight out of a gallbladder ... huge ones, over 1" in diameter. Flushing, I saw that I had ones just like that as well as the pea green, pea-size ones.
I tumbled out of my attic 13 months ago yesterday and found gallstones in my toilet within 12 hours ... NO OLIVE OIL OR GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ... I KNOCKED those suckers out in the fall!!!!
I had help in formulating a gentle liver flush that I call the Plzchuckle Hot Lemonade Flush. ! tablespoon of evoo and 1 lemon and I've passed very old stones that I had felt moving down throw my liver for elimination.
Need I say that I'm fed up with the soap-stones theory?
Now ...
A hobby researcher challenges the PRO to do some study of your own. Multivitamins ... I want you to take a long hard look at "isolates" when it comes to vitamins and what you're doing to your body.
Do we need vitamins? ab so lute ly !! raw fresh organic foods, wholefood supplements, superfoods ONLY if you want it to work and do no damage.