Re: 6 flushes so far: my experiences
Thanks for sharing.
I agree, a detailed log is very important.
When I did my first flush, I noticed the same thing after the ES in the morning. After the first two BM's there was not much coming out. The Clark instructions on this site mentioned an alternative of taking another dose of oil instead of the second ES. I did the second oil followed up with another two ES's. I got more stones out on the second than the first oil application. They were not as large.
The other thing I did was add apple cider vinigar (ACV) and cayanne to my water a week leading up to the cleanse. 1 tbl ACV in 32 oz, followed by a pinch of cayanne in 32
oz of water. I then drank another 32 to 64
oz of clear water. I'm probably going to cut the cayanne. I've been experimenting since last weekend, and I think the cayanne dehydrates me. The reason I'm up at 3 AM now, is I had some cayanne in my water today, and my eyes are dry. I had this same issue after I took the first oil. I believe the ACV is considered a stone breaker.
I like the ACV. There is a drink my grandmother use to make that we drank when I was a child working in their fields at harvest time called Switzel (spl???). I don't know the exact formula, but it's water, ACV, and cinimon sticks in a container with ice. For my tastes it is a tbl ACV in 32
oz of water. I've experimented with more and less for taste. I'm going to be experimenting with the cinnimon sticks, and increasing the number of oz's I use with it.
Forgive my ignorance, but I hope you don't mind my asking what GCG is?