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Re: Reptilian Change
realdeal Views: 1,299
Published: 17 y
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Re: Reptilian Change

More nonsense from the Jesuit controlled Alice Bailey crowd of New Agers. It takes more than fire to bring about the Habis Ruhs my friend. If it was that easy then this World would be in utter chaos indeed and far more than it is now believe me. Only the highest levels of the Religions can access this level with their esoteric knowledge. This is left up to the likes of the Society of Jesus, highest rabbis and Sufi's etc. Notice the Society of Jesus are the ones who're used with Exorcisms. You'll notice this in the movies also especially Exorcist where they were from Georgetown University and we all know the power of this location. You must remember thought that you'll always see Catholic Priests in Hollywood films because their Knights of Malta and Mafiosi are the true controllers of this. Remember the Druids used Wood of Holly to make their Magic Wands. It continues today with a big magic wand of ILLUSION known as HOLLYWOOD haha. Riddled with Knights of Malta control. Your Judiac fronts are Knights of Malta such as Henry Kissinger, Michael Bloomberg and so forth. It's not rocket science!


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