Another great book is "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. My husband and I also did not want to go through fertility treatments and testing. I was dtermined that my hormone imbalance was correctible and stubbornly we conceived naturally after 6 years (after one year of herbs and several cleanses). What worked for me (I had irregular cycles as I rarely ovulated) was herbs and cleansing. After the birth of my son I decided to give homeopathy a try and have had regular (pain free) cycles for a year (my son is 2). I have tried so many things out there and from my experience a really good cleanse and either herbs or homeopathy will do wonders. There are many cleanses out there and it can be overwhelming. If you are interested I can recommend a geat one. I am actually in the process of cleansing now as my husband and I would like to try to conceive again in the new year. Our bodies are full of toxins and parasites that can actually prevent us from conceiveing so cleanses is a wonderful thing. You also gain tons of energy that will be much needed with a little One! I am not sure how old your post is (this site confuses me sometimes). Maybe you are already pg!! Best wishes!