Re: huh?
"The article I read on the counter-effects of a bleachlike substance on inflammation is enough to put the 'brakes' on any future
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement trias for me, I'm sure you can see concern."
I said "no, I do completely understand" in response to your not wanting to try
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement anytime soon ... not because I see anything you do not, I just understand where you are coming from. I don't want to try Urine Therapy either, but more power to 'em.
"our mutual friend seems to be having nothing but miraculous results with
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and you STILL told her to cut back. That didnt really make sense to me."
I did this because people can feel really great on MMS, have miraculous results for days, for a week, and then have a delayed mega-detox that completely kicks their butt. The end result of this can be that they declare that MMS is poison, or at least they completely sour on it.
Taking it slow and easy will accomplish the same end, and give the body time to cleanse and heal itself.