Re: MMS cult attempting to take over Curezone!
I think that a lot of these problems occur when people cross post threads in the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement Support forum, and then also in those other forums. The
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement support forum is to support people who are using, or are interested in using
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I don't think that you intended intend to put your posts, and the debate that resulted, in the MMS Support forum ... they were there as a result of cross-posting.
The MMS Support forum isn't there to debate MMS, or give dire warnings about it (although valid issues/concerns are definitely appropriate)... Those things belong in the debate forum, or in other forums. They have been ending up in the MMS forum due to the cross-posting.
In response to your post here in debate, I would like to say that there is a lot of evidence to support the use of sodium chlorite internally ... there are many thousands who have used it with incredible success ... there are many studies that affirm that chlorine dioxide is not harmful to our bodies, etc...
"According to these people all you have to do is take this drug type solution and miracles will happen and yet no one is allowed to challenge them. They have no proof and tell you to just BUY the books."
This is not accurate ... in the support forum we talk all the time about the need for super hydration, vitamin and mineral supplementation, and alkaline eating. But, again, some of these zelous cross-posters are probably missing the boat on these requirements.
"Most of these people never appeared at curezone until they brought in this mms miracle drug , now they are like flies on cow pies."
There are a LOT of longtime Curezone members in the MMS forum, posting regularly and supporting the protocol. I have been on for a couple of years, and there are a lot of others.
I do think you are right though ... many of those who are cross-posting these claims into the other forums are very new to Curezone. I really wish that they would not do that ... other's should be free to investigate MMS if they want, without having it pushed on their forums.