Re: Channeling the Consortium- Indigo Child James
James is very organised and certain of his mission. The positives of the situation are very clear. I, as a boy, wondered why people were often so stupid, and often very unkind to one another; it was obvious to me that co-operation was the right way, but I took a long while to realise that I should be working positively for 'the good'. The major trouble for Indigo Adults is seeing the tail-enders of the previous dimension doing all they can to hold the world back and prevent the positive changes that are coming.
Sadly, these throw-backs to a more primitive age often claw their way to the top of the heap, and set themselves up as world leaders. This is the problem of to-day: the Indigo's need to work very hard to prevent the potentially destructive effects of those who support the dark forces.
We can't do much better than follow the dictate, 'love one another.' And, in simple terms, this means that we should have positive feelings towards other people. Unfortunately, with this comes the responsibility to ourselve to act wisely, and not to let ourselves be preyed upon by those who would exploit us. These mean-minded exploiters are the unfortunates whose souls are due to be phased out as the Indigo presence increases.