Received through James Gilliland
The first question that many may ask is who the off worlders are and
what is the Consortium. Many of your religious leaders refer them as
the Greater Family of Man; God's other angels, or the Celestial
Sons/Daughters of God. In truth we are a consortium of benevolent
beings which know our origins in spirit yet we have many bodies
which are adaptations to different environments and evolutionary
paths. In soul and spirit we are of one origin and that is of the
intelligent Creative force, the source of all life. We have
transcended all cultural, religious, and genetic differences
honoring the Creator within all creation. We do not force our ways
on another, take advantage in any way of any civilization for that
would be our downfall. Action/Reaction or Karma as many call it is a
universal law. We operate from pure intent in service to Creation.
We inspire the universal principles and understandings that are
necessary for a healthy society and environment. We use
consciousness and energy in many ways to guide evolution to higher
states of awareness.
This Galaxy is evolving, expanding and moving into a higher
frequency. Every Galaxy has at its core a creative intelligence that
set it into motion. A zero point or void with unlimited potential.
You and your world are an __expression of this unlimited potential
just as your entire solar system and Galaxy. This Galaxy as well as
all other Galaxies are born out of the still point or void which is
also referred to as the plentum due to the unlimited potential and
power resting in it. This dimension is only the distorted hard copy
of other higher dimensions which consist of higher frequencies. This
next understanding may come as a shock to you. If you take the zero
point the source of all creation and the message from one of your
masters, the temple is within, God is within you, you are created in
the same image and likeness of God and apply it to this model it
will all make sense. Add to that, "As you believe so it is", and
what your quantum physicist and biologists are now discovering is
Science to support this ancient understanding. We live in an
action/reaction world known as the plane of demonstration where
consciousness indeed creates reality. The collective consciousness;
once lost in the limitation of the flesh and personality as the only
identity is now awakening to this greater reality.
There is a world within a world, a body within a body all the way
back to the void, first intent or cause and it is all within. The
Galaxy is just a mirror of what is within. Just as the universe in
which you live has other planes and dimensions you are also a
multidimensional being existing on a vibrational continuum. Earth
Humanity as a collective has become lost in materiality, and has
chosen to identify with the body and personality created through the
experiences of incarnation. The truth of the matter is you are an
eternal spirit and have had many incarnations both on and off world
which includes other planes and dimensions. Your eternal soul is of
the same family as all the other souls throughout the multiverse
which includes other planes and dimensions as well. We are taking
you beyond the limits of the accepted social consciousness of Earth
and opening the door to a greater social consciousness that has no
limits or boundaries.
The root cause of the problems on Earth is the false belief in
separation. You are not separate from the Creator for the Creator is
within all Creation. All life originated from the same source. In
spirit you are all divinely connected, all family of the one source
despite the diversity in culture and belief. The only difference
between you and the greatest of all saints, sages, and masters is
awareness of this truth. A love that transcends all cultural and
religious boundaries is what all the Saints, Sages and Masters
taught and referred to on their Earth Walk. These great ones all
identified with the Creator as their origin or Father and the Father
is not so limited as to have only one son. They also honored the
balance of Creation, the Father/Mother God principle equally. In the
simplest of terms they transcended the material, all cultural and
religious beliefs into a love of all Creation that knows no
boundaries. This is the High Council of the Consortium and those
that are aligned with the Consortium think and act according to the
same universal understandings.
This same understanding is coming to Earth. You are now seeing the
pinnacle of ignorance and arrogance coming forward in the miss
identity with the material and ignorance of separation. It is coming
through the leadership of all aspects of this civilization. You will
see it in your political, religious and business institutions. The
greed and lust for profit, power and control over others is
surfacing everywhere and it is fueled by fear and the false belief
in separation. Tyranny is using the cultural and religious
differences to divide and conquer. There never was a Holy War. Every
war was spawned from one King or leader wanting the land or
resources and women of another King or leader. The rest of humanity
is used as pawns in these adventures. The good news is the pawns are
waking up. Tyranny can only exist as long as there is separation and
ignorance both of which are coming to a close. Tyranny has a
frequency. You are all known throughout the universe according to
your vibration. It is your personal signature; your vibration is
established by the attitudes and beliefs in the world in which you
live along with the other dimensional selves. Fear, Guilt,
Unworthiness, Competition and Greed all have a very dense frequency.
Tyranny is a very dense unevolved frequency. Unfortunately you have
created positions of power over others which are the positions
sought out by tyranny. These positions of power outside of the
individual were established without having the proper guidelines in
place or consequences for self serving individuals. The lust for
power and wealth at the expense of humanity and the Earth has become
the norm.
Love, Joy, Service to others, Cooperation in the highest and best
good of humanity and the Earth has a very high frequency.
Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all and
the knowledge of the oneness of Creation are the universal
principles and understandings of all advanced civilizations. All
advanced civilizations choose their leadership according to their
spiritual advancement and their record of service.
They hold their leadership to the universal principles and
understandings necessary for a healthy society and environment.
This higher consciousness is coming to Earth. It is the
consciousness emitting from Galactic Core which is seen as great
pulses of light and energy. It is moving through the vibrational
continuum from consciousness to light then energy and finally mass
creating change on every level. The Consortium is aligned with this
consciousness and energy the Creative Intelligence with many names
and images all of which were conduits for an even greater force.
You cannot limit this Creative Intelligence or Force to a name and
an image. It is beyond the names and images of man which have been
used by tyranny to create the divisions and separations which lead
to the ignorance of war, competition, and the lust for power and
wealth at the expense of humanity and the Earth.
Is it not written, "There are no divisions in God"? Is it not
written, "God is Omnipresent"? Is it not time to act accordingly and
honor the Creator within all Creation"; the sacred circle of life?
The Creator is Omnipresent within all Creation on all planes and
dimensions throughout the multiverses and this understanding is
coming to Earth backed by a force no man can stop. It is destiny.
Tyranny, competition, the ignorance of separation and actions that
are harmful to humanity and the Earth will have no home in the days
to come. Those aligned with tyranny and their kingdoms will fall.
What was past is past. It is time to release the past and align with
the new higher consciousness and energies coming to this realm.
Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love; Individual Freedom and
Prosperity for All in service to the Creator within all Creation are
the ideals to measure self and your leadership. In the days to come
cooperation as one people, one planet with one source the origin of
all creation will be the keys to survival.
Empowering the individual to find the God within and promoting
peace and harmony with each other and the Earth is the path of all
true spiritual leaders. All others are disempowering distractions.
Despite the government and Hollywood images of aliens with the
intent of destroying, conquering and farming humanity for food the
vast majority of extraterrestrials are benevolent, spiritually and
technologically advanced. They have evolved into full service to all
Creation and they see us as a part of Creation that needs a little
help in its evolutionary process into a more spiritual harmonious
life with each other and the environment.
They have transcended war, disease, poverty and lack for nothing.
This is what they bring to humanity and the Earth.
The only threat they pose is to the war and disease profiteers;
those who wish to continue to pollute, destroy the environment and
perpetuate the false belief of separation. In fact many within this
Greater Family of Man are your ancient ancestors. This accounts for
the incredible genetic diversity upon the Earth, the missing link
and quantum leap in the evolution of humanity. There is more to the
history of humanity and the Earth which dates back 28 million years.
Civilizations have come and gone, colonies have risen up only to
fall due to wars and natural cataclysms. There has been genetic
tinkering and advancement of a human species evolving naturally on
the Earth. There are many flocks, many mansions the remnants of
which on Earth still remain as colossal stone structures as a
reminder of the rise and fall of many advanced civilizations.
In ten thousand years will we be the archeologists digging up this
civilization or a spiritually and technologically advanced race
living in peace and harmony with each other, the environment and the
rest of the universe?
That is a choice to be made individually and collectively and the
Consortium is waiting for the free will choice to be made. They are
working with individuals of pure intent and deed who have risen to
the occasion and the opportunity is there for the collective as
well. This is not another religion, another attempt to distract
humanity from their own personal God, Spirit, and Creator
connection. It is a sharing of truth and higher ideals, a ladder
offered to rise above the pain, suffering and lack that comes from
the perpetuation of separation. War, disease, poverty and ignorance
of separation which creates the disharmony between each other and
the environment are all we are asking you to release along with the
past. The old wounds traumas and wrong conclusions from past
experiences, the grudges of men/women against men/women, nation
against nation need to be healed of the emotional charge and thus
allowed to settle into the soul as wisdom. Your past is creating
your tomorrow and until we release the past we cannot move forward
into the quantum leap necessary to align with these new incoming
The Consortium is made up of a great council of masters from every
race, some of which are extraterrestrial and from other dimensions.
There are interstellar, ultradimensional and have time travel
capabilities. They exist all along the vibrational continuum. Some
have physical bodies, some less dense physical, some have energy
bodies, magnetized light bodies and the great ones are pure
consciousness. There are ships all along the vibrational continuum
as well which also consist of physical, energy, magnetized light and
collective consciousness. This is all coming into alignment to aid
in the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth orchestrated
by the original cause or prime creative intelligence which again has
been given many names and images on Earth yet cannot be limited to
any one name or image.
The history of Earth, this galaxy and other planes and dimensions is
known to this council. They know the true history of Earth and how
the many names and images as well as the religions all came into
being. Some of the negative images of a wrathful judging condemning
God originated with encounters from lesser evolved beings taking
advantage of a fallen race that forgot its origins. The fallen race
forgot they were spirits born of spirit and misidentified with the
diversity of physical creation. They began to identify with their
physical bodies, families, cultures and religions forgetting their
true nature and divine origins. Over the years survival of the
physical became first priority, the pain suffering and demands of
the physical became such a distraction they forgot their divine
origins. The decent into matter or the physical was not a sin it was
a journey. A journey from the highest realms of Spirit down through
the vibrational continuum into the physical which can best be
described as 3D God. Mastering all the planes and dimensions of
Creation then returning is the plan. Bringing the Universal Laws of
Creation into the physical and living according to them as
individuals and a collective is the way of Heaven and Heaven will
have its way. The ways of Heaven are coming to the Earth. The
ignorance of separation from each other, life in all its diversity
and spirit is in the process of being dispelled. The byproduct will
be the end of war, disease, the restoration of the planet and a
grand reunion with the greater family of man/woman throughout the
universe. This includes other planes and dimensions as the veils
become thinner between worlds. There are whole civilizations
existing right along side of you. The higher dimensions have always
been fully aware of the lower dimensions yet now is the time to
expand in a greater awareness of the multidimensional nature of self
and the universe in which we live. As we said earlier you are
multidimensional beings existing on a vibrational continuum. You
have journeyed from zero point to light then energy and mass.
Now it is time to come home. The days of separation are fast coming
to a close. Let no one talk you out of the journey home for there
will be many who will try. They will use fear, unworthiness, and
guilt and try to perpetuate the false belief in separation. That is
the only way they can maintain their kingdoms is to perpetuate war,
disease, and continue to pollute and destroy the environment. They
and all who align with them as willing participants will suffer the
reactions to their actions, they will be exposed in the great
uncovering and their kingdoms will fall. Not by their words but by
their deeds you will know them. It is part of the awakening and
healing process. There will be great social, economic and physical
changes in the day to come as humanity and the Earth adjust to the
new consciousness and energies. The Prime Creative Intelligence has
set into motion a move to the next level of evolution. We are moving
to a higher frequency as a planet and a people. We are now occupying
a new highly charged place in the universe on our cyclic journey. We
are all in this together and now is the time to cooperate, work
together and rise to the occasion. Pass this far and wide.
The Consortium in service to the Most High.