Re: Courses of Action
Hi 38281
You see the trouble is that there are still the majority of people who will react to these types of things by calling people like you and your mother - and the rest of us - crazy. (I have posted a bit about some of my own experiences at the near death experience forum, and at the
Dreams Forum as #58807).
Even as I type the phrase 'indigo children' I still find myself flinching, because it really does sound so.... wacky. I do think it's unfortunate that it's been linked with some real nut jobs, and the whole concept has been coined in on to a huge degree. The fact that the whole indigo phenomenon was predicted by people like
Edgar Cayce and that information was chanelled through mediums.... the nay-sayers were always going to be out in their droves.
I can't help wondering how crazy people would think it all was if it had been presented in a more scientific package.... maybe called something a little more sophisticated. But it is what it is.
I know that a lot of people will say 'it's a cop out used by parents of brats with ADHD to stay in denial about their childrens problems' - and again, yes - it has been used as an excuse. Personally, and I know I'll put myself right in the firing line here - my own son was 'diagnosed' with ADHD - with emhasis on the hyperactive part - as a toddler. I spent years trying to get that diagnosis overturned.
(You see, I don't believe in ADHD. But I do believe that something is going on. Maybe it's the pharm companies inventing disorders to be treated by their poisons. Maybe it's more sinister than that, and these gifted children have been recognised and are being suppressed with these drugs. Truth is, I dont know.)
I was convinced it was physiological, his diet, his environment, toxins, allergies.... Last summer, the diagnosis changed from ADHD to depression, because the hyperactivity is no longer an issue. I was hounded by his doctors and his teachers to medicate him with a black box antidepressant so he would be more manageable at school. Now, my son is not stupid. He does not have a learning disability. He can teach himself guitar by ear, he can draw and paint and make things - he is very gifted with art. At 12 years old he can sing like a grown man. These are the things that he loves and he excels at them. But because sitting in a classroom full of children that he admits he has nothing in common with - he sees them as childish - does not appeal to him, he is treated as if he is 'slow' and 'troublesome'. He just doesn't see the point. He thinks very deeply, he is very intuitive, he worries about the state of our world and its people and he is waiting patiently until he can make a difference. Concepts like the theory of relativity, the possibility of time travel, everything being energy... these are the things that fascinate him. Not what goes on in his classroom.
Have I told him about 'indigo children'? Nope.
For one thing, I think the that label has been more of a hindrance than a help, but it's there now and it's stuck.
The fact remains that some children are different, they are gifted, they are capable of amazing things, they dont fit into mainstream education. It does not matter whether you label them 'indigo' or not - it's become clear that something has to change in order to facilitate them. Maybe we should start listening to them when they tell us what they need. After all, they are the future.
Maybe we need to nurture their gifts, encourage them, instead of acting in the way our carers and the authority figures in our lives did with us when they told us it was all in our heads......immediately fostering fear and making us question our own sanity. Maybe that will be the difference between these new generations and the previous ones. And maybe that will be what makes a difference to our world.
If the prophets and the mediums are to be believed, these children came with a higher vibration than is usual. They came to do good, to help to heal the world and to start to make changes. So what can be the harm in facilitating this? At worst, we'll end up with a crop of good natured, kind and selfless children with high self esteem as a result of our nurturing. At best - well, maybe they will be what we all have been waiting for.