Wow!Sounds like soacialism and megaagrabuisness is your biggest issue.And to many people on this here planet.I suppose thats my falt,because i am fond of veggies.But I only eat organic,and grow a lot of my own food via sprouting and gardening.I focus on being as organic as possible while recycling using composting and vermicultures to build my organic base.Kind of like responsible farming practices.I believe you have mistaken the veganistic lifechoice with some political party.Veganism is no more a religion than omnimorism to suggest otherwise is absurd.Sounds like escapesed retoric from an angry omnivore.Peta doesnt represent the vegan or vegatarian lifestyle,to say that it does is wrong!To blame the sins of humanity on a dietary lifestyle is the most simpleminded idea ive heard today.It couldnt possibley be greed or coruption causing global problomes.Must be those damn veggies!!