Re: injured my tongue... suggestions please
Since you already know your way around Cayenne, I advise sticking with that for healing the tounge too. Yes, it helps stop bleeding, but it also encourages fast healing by increasing circulation, and anytime there is good circulation, there is good delivery of nourshment AND removal of waste via the bloodstream.
I do not have specific experience healing a toungue wound, but do have specific experience healing wounds caused by the extraction of 4 root-canaled molars having used nothing (and I mean nothing) more to treat the wound with other than cayenne.... no pain
Antibiotics , just a couple of chopped up fresh peppers woven into a wad of cotton, soaked in cayenne tincture and shoved into the wound socket; bite down.
Cayenne by itself will help heal this wound quickly. However, if you want to dabble with other herbs, there are all kinds of others you could add to the treatment. It's not easy to soak the inside of the mouth like, say, soaking a foot, hand or ankle in a bucket of herb tea, but you could drink herb tea throughout the day, perhaps holding it in the mouth for several seconds in between swallows, and rinsing/gargling: Marshmallow Root tea would be good for this since it helps soothe enflamed tissues; Garlic is about as good of a natural broad-spectrum anti-biotic, antifungal and anti-viral as exists...but it does burn. Generally, if you plan on holding a garlic clove near sensitive tissue - like inside the mouth, you want to coat either the mouth OR the garlic clove OR both with some olive oil, this will help insulate from getting burned.