injured my tongue... suggestions please
Hi all,
On Friday afternoon I was 4-wheeling. I am a generally cautious 4-wheeler, but this particular day I made a miscalculation/mistake and so I got injured. I was driving in a big pasture, thought I was going down a slight incline, instead I went off a deep, sharp drop (3 feet?) that was next to it, one we usually only drive UP on, kinda like a natural ramp. So, the fault is mine.
Anyway, the 4-wheeler was briefly airborne, and when it landed it kinda tossed me down/forward, with my neck hitting the handlebars. There was blood all over the place but it turned out I wasn't badly injured. Just two small cuts in my neck (under my chin) but of course a lot of blood comes out there, so it looked bad. After leaning back and applying a little cayenne + pressure the bleeding quickly stopped and now 2 band-aids are all I need. It's a little swollen, but that's already reduced itself from yesterday.
I also bit my tongue and this is the worst of my injury. I bit down into it, top, bottom and sides. The bottom part was the worst, although the side tips of my tongue look a little "scalloped" now. This bled a little, too, but not for long. Apparently the tongue is a fast-healing body part. It felt rather numb/tingly on the end, like when you had novocaine at the dentist, and it still feels like that now (2 days later). I have rinsed hydrogen peroxide in my mouth in the evenings, I have also swished some of MH's "Spice 4 Life" in a little water w/ 1 drop of
Iodine in my mouth, figuring the cayenne plus
Iodine would be a good combo for healing the tongue.
Any suggestions or input on the tongue? Experience?
P.S. My cousin is a nurse practitioner, she said I should be fine, but that I might be really sore. Her only suggestion was that if I felt too sore and uncomfortable, I could take some Midol or Tylenol. I have been pretty stiff and sore but it's not unbearable. I plan to go to the chiropractor once they are open this next week.