Re: Hair Mineral Test Results... Help Me Out?
Copper is easy to get down. As per my previous post, a few supplements and diet, although depends how toxic you are, but in the grand theme of things……easy.
Mercury detox is simple………if you do it right, if you do it safely! However doing it right and doing it safely is bloody hard. The path to recovery is very difficult because so many people “think” they know how to detox mercury, so you will receive a lot of conflicting information on how to do it.
Just like I did with the cysteine. That was a real difficult time that. There I was trying to do things to get better and suddenly I was ill again……….from trying to help myself. Some of the information and advice out there can really hurt.
Because of that nightmare time I research everything I take, everything I do. painful experience has taught me that.
There are only a few people you can trust in mercury. Andy Cutler is one of them.
Have you heard of him?
Have you heard of his Chelation protocol? Frequent dose chelation with dmsa, dmps, ala?
Have you bought his book?
If you are mercury toxic the best thing you can do is buy his book “Amalgam illness”
I guarantee you it will be the best $35 you spend for the next few years.
I hang out in a couple of mercury dedicated forums too. curezone and mercury is……….is a bit too haphazard. Too confusing, because so many people doing the wrong protocol and giving wrong advice.
I hang out on the "herb allure forum" (for some reason I cannot paste the link in.)
Also….for technical chelation advice and to follow Dr Cutlers protocol “Yahoo frequent dose chelation” group is fantastic. Serioiusly very good.
I advise you to check out these forums because they are dedicated to mercury problems. Make no mistake mercury is bloody nasty stuff to get out. Don’t let yourself get hurt taking something like I did that really screwed me up! It really hurt. the book!
I go under the same name there too