Re: Prepaving - Projecting your NOW into the future
I believe you can prepave for all people, all circumstances ... not just with people you know now.
Instead of trying to control the experiences of others (resistence) we only need to control our own participation within others experiences.
If you are connected to the inner joy, even someone elses anger doesn't feel like anger, you only connect with that part of them that is joy (because you see them as they would like to be). And we are all a mix of vibrations ... so everyone has within them all of the emotional scale.
And in joy, we allow others anger, and realise it's not our business anyway, so we do not attach to their angry feelings, so remain in touch with our joy.
So, prepave for harmony in all interactions.
For example, last week, my son came home and he was pretty angry because one of the pedals fell off his new bike. I could not help but be amused .. but allowed him to express himself in an angry way. I still saw him as a joyous being and one that, at that moment, had forgotten his connection to joy. The anger didn't last long .. because he really couldn't stay there long while I held him in positive esteem.
That which you give your emotional attention to, is drawn into your experience .. so while I could not be in control of his emotional experience, I could be in control of mine.