Re:A Experience is not Negociable!
I would have loved to beeen there in that conversation.I was interduced to a Profet about 4 yrs. ago by a preacher named Mark Hanby.Mark told me that Burten was a True Profet,and we should exchange phone numbers.Over the 4 years,Burten has called me out of the blue,and blowed me away.Im sure these men you communed with know of Mark Hanby.I havent talked to Mark in a couple of years,since i left a message at his office,of a Dream I had about him and his wife.The Profet called me later to tell me that the dream i had was right on target.God is always speaking,and communing with us.Sometimes its spectactular,like these events that these preachers speak of.Im not making lite of this by no means,you had a meeting of a lifetime.You will never forget it.But at the same time,This was God Talking Directly to you through these men,to awaken you,to another Demention. A higher Demention.I have walked into Large churches not knowing a soul,and the Preacher would give me the service to Preach.And the Preacher did not know me from Adam.These are Treasured moments.Some people will hate you,for having these experiences.These are exciteing moments for you M.H..I rejoice with you. God is always talking,The ? is,can we hear.The desire to see the little pyramid was created by God in you,and that verry desire set the stage for this monumental meeting you had with these men of God.Steven West