D, you and I became buddies over a year ago now. Has it ever even dawned on you that maybe God pointed you in this direction, opened your eyes to your healing, a way that you can achieve then pass on to others?
Have you read us talk about the deaf ears that don't hear us in our own houses? Your ears were opened? You were in the right place at the right time to find out about natural healing, then in a chatroom talking to a lady that pointed you to MH?
Dear D. to God be the glory. He hears you! Now what will you do with what He's given you?
Trapper, think on these things:
On a planet inside a firmament, a veritable terrerium, Noah heard God saying, "Build a boat, it's going to rain until it floods." Noah had no idea what rain even was, but he built the boat. His faith was accounted unto him as righteousness.
What brought that firmament down? Rocks??? What did Noah know about Planet X and the rocks?
D, just as you mentioned the light and the dark of diet, everything in life is of no coincidence, it's influenced by light (God and His angels) or by darkness (luciferian demons).
The earth was set in motion, we are here as pawns in a chessgame is how I look at mankind, but pawns that have CHOICE. We're to try the spirit of everything coming at us, and follow the light.
Our reward isn't here, but in eternity. The more we ask, seek, knock on the door of His will, the better our eternity will be. It's not about the miniscule amount of time here on earth.
Steve. Jehovah literally means I AM??
I see it this way:
I AM ______________
and I get to fill in the blank, He is what I need in every instance.
etc etc etc
It's a personal relationship.
Steve, one of the most stunning experiences of my life has been in this decade ... sitting in the front yard here with a first cousin that has been in prison and had a 14 yr old crack habit that would take him over, turning a kind gentle soul into a maniac ... and hearing God whisper to me "this man has my calling" and knowing that I wasn't suppose to say a word to the cousin about this. God used me as a prayer warrior in this man's life, taught me spiritual warfare and today, the man is an ordained minister, delivered from that wretched drug in what can only be described as a miraculous way.
Cousin stood in his computer room one evening, during a period of a $800 a day binge, 2 pusher came through his front door that he thought was locked, their eyes got big as saucers, looking just to his left, cousin looked to see what they were looking at ... there stood Jesus Christ, who raised His hand and pointed to the door, the pushers left so fast they almost tore the door out of the frame. 6 months later cousin was in Swaziland on his first mission trip ... he's never looked back at the life he left.
The Creator is still alive and well and in the miracle working business on this planet and I've watched Him at work ... up close and personal.
I've always marvelled over the part of the bible where it talks about God and 2 angels coming down the road and coming to Abraham sitting there, he had his family fix them a meal, the angels went on to Sodom and Gomarah, God stayed with Abraham where they discussed saving the city if righteousness was found there.
In the old testment, warriors fainted at the sight of angels, what on earth must Abraham have experienced with entertaining God all afternoon???
Do I buy that Branham could have seen God? Indeed.