18 y
Some sites that might help
Hi, Darius. I'm sorry that you're experiencing such a difficult time and it's my hope that you were not involved with a malignant narcissist. Any time we give all of our emotional energy to a relationship we will feel quite drained when it ends.
Though some of your descriptions seem borderline NPD, most of them seems selfish and petulant as if she were a spoiled child. NPD's tend to play some very serious head games and reflect the personalities of their supply sources back, lacking their own attributes. They mimic what they have observed to be appropriate responses, often doing so when the percieved responses are, in fact, inappropriate. The withold/reward system seemed well in place in your relationship with her, though, and this is one of those screaming red flags.
Below are some sites that address NPD. If you have the time, check them out and read up more on the personality disorder.
It is very difficult to understand the difference between a "Personality Disorder" and a "Psychiatric Disorder," but I'll try to give it a shot, here. A personality disorder is a group of traits that was learned, not inherited, in order to protect or defend during childhood (usually). Although most children of NPD parents have a better-than-average chance of developing into an NPD, themselves, one doesn't preclude the other. NPD cannot be treated with medications or any other form of therapy unless the NPD wishes to change their behaviors - even so, it is a very difficult battle. A psychiatric disorder, on the other hand, is usually organic in that it can be treated and managed with a combination of medications and other therapies.
In any case, I hope that you are able to walk away from this, sever your ties with this manipulative person, and heal from your experiences.
Best wishes to you!