Edit - Re: CNN talks foreign policy with RON PAUL after Bhutto murder
An interview such as this is rare for him.
The Morning Joe interview bugged me a little with the Abraham Lincoln\Civil War issue seeming to dominate...
I was very happy to hear Ron Paul bring up Lysander Spooner. I do not think I have ever witnessed a presidential candidate who is so well versed and read in American history.
The comment at the very end of the posted video, by one journalist, stating that Paul was wrong about Abraham Lincoln most likely believes the "victors" version of American history; journalist comments like this show their historical ignorance and\or political bias, and it is extremely sad and revealing at the same time to a well read, educated individual.
The "Victor" always writes the history and it is extremely biased and at times far from the truth...
I enjoyed Paul's comment on Morning Joe that slavery should have been abolished at the time of the Revolutionary War.
Anyone that studies the Civil War understands that succession was brewing for decades due to economic issues; they also know that bills were introduced and failed to pass in order to end slavery on numerous occasions over the decades preceding the war as well. They also may know that Lincoln baited the attack on Fort Sumter.
I assume most know the economics behind the Civil War including import tariffs and unfair taxation and representation? Sound familiar?
I find the 1834 attempt to abolish slavery in America to be especially interesting as England abolished slavery in its colonies in 1832; they had previously made slavery illegal in England in 1772 I believe... without any Civil War in any of its holdings as Ron Paul has noted on more than one occasion.
Edit... if nothing else, Ron Paul's candidacy is opening eyes and perhaps educating some folks on American and World History; at least those willing to check out his comments and read his suggested texts.
Ron Paul's Reading List...
Of course little reading gems pop up in his interviews too.