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Law of Attraction..another perspective

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Law of Attraction..another perspective

Session 7

(Editors Note: The Law of Attraction states that ‘like attracts like.’).

Q: You say that the Law of Attraction is a universal law. Yet a simple experiment with a battery and two metal–plated spheres connected by wires will serve to disprove this. If you hook the two terminals of the battery each to a different sphere hanging by a wire, those spheres repel each other. However, if you connect each sphere to the same terminal of the battery, the spheres repel. This shows clearly that like charges repel, and opposite charges attract. This can also be seen by placing the North pole of two magnets near each other and watching them repel. How does your statement reconcile with these experimental facts?

The positive and negative you refer to are simply aspects of the same kind of energy. The charges and atoms Science refers to are metaphors. At one pole there is a surplus of energy relative to the other pole. This creates a tension between the two, which activates the space between them and provides a potential.

Science has not yet discovered the intimate, completely interconnected relationship between what you call electromagnetic energy, gravity, light, and what you refer to as nuclear forces. When you do, the contradictions and gaps in your Science will resolve. For now, accept that the law of ‘like attracts like’ is valid for the life experience of every human and can be successfully applied so that all that you want may come to you.

Q: Doesn’t sound convincing to me. If the atom is a metaphor, then how come the sun and planets are arranged exactly according to the atomic model? As above so below, the universe is in balance as you like to say. The atomic model has been able to precisely explain so many phenomena and to predict behavior of matter and energy.

As we said before, matter and energy are composed, ultimately, of thought. Therefore, the energy in your subatomic particles is the same, which means that the elements in your Periodic Table are composed of the same energy, with different internal geometries. In other words, ‘copper energy’ is not different than ‘iron energy!’

The physical interactions that are observed are the result of the collective agreements of consciousness at the present time. In other civilizations on earth, long before the present earth civilization, other cultures had different ideas about matter and energy and their conscious relation to the world around them. These civilizations were able to manipulate matter and energy with far more ease than your present civilization. You may attribute that to superior understanding of already existing universal forces, but we prefer to say that their understanding drew forth from the potential, different relationships between matter, energy and consciousness, different programming for the local space/time which establishes the laws of matter and energy (physics).

Q: So you’re saying that consciousness can actually alter the physical laws of matter and energy?

Of course! That is what we have been saying all along! It may seem absurd to humans on the planet earth at this time but we assure you that the universe is massively varied and contains realities that you cannot even conceive of. This is not bad, we are not criticizing, but we are amused at how shocked humans are when anyone suggests that consciousness may alter physical laws or modify matter and energy. That was the whole point of constructing the universe!

Q: Whenever you say stuff like that I receive a feeling of utter certainty, so that my questions seem almost ridiculous, and I feel totally complete with the answer and I feel that it is correct. Then when you have finished answering, I have doubts again. Is this because I have expanded my awareness by allowing your energy to come to me, then return to my normal human state of consciousness?

When you communicate with us you have to use your ‘spiritual sensors.’ Normally you just use the body’s senses to interpret your world.

But all we are saying is that consciousness designed the universe so that it could play around in it. That’s not so shocking is it? (smiles). Is it so shocking that there may be places with different physical laws than those that can be experienced by humans on planet earth? Most humans would not think so. The universe is a place where there are available an almost infinite variety of experiences.

You are physical and non–physical energy. Your bodies are sitting in an energy field that has a complex template for every organ and cell. That energy field is connected with every other particle of energy in the universe, and is intimately related to the potential itself. So there is a lot more to you than you are aware of.

Q: It sounds like we are so limited here.

With limitation comes the ability to transcend that limitation, the joy of discovery, the ability to experience intensely. Everything on the earth plane is magnified many fold. When it’s good it’s really good and when it’s bad it’s really bad. That is one of the attractions of this place. But don’t worry. When you get tired of this place, you just transition smoothly out of it and return to native state –– a condition of joy and well–being as pure source energy. You can’t make a mistake!

Session 8

Q: I would like a clearer explanation of why opposite charges attract in the microcosmic world of matter and energy, but the law of ‘like attracts like’ seems to apply in the area of human relationships. If both consciousness and matter are ultimately composed of thought, then there should be no contradiction. And a law can’t be universal if it works one way with electrons and protons and another way in life.

Look at the structure of your societies and your popular beliefs. Would you say that the dominating concept was one of harmony, love and abundance, or one of scarcity and conflict? The primary activated themes in your species mass consciousness –– the combined thought forms of all humans –– could be categorized as one of opposition and conflict (our favorite human scientific device is the ‘atom–smasher’). These concepts are simply reflected in the physical laws of matter in the area around your planet. In other words, what you draw forth from the potential and observe as physical laws regarding the interaction of matter and energy is a direct reflection of your consciousness, which is primarily one of opposing, not cooperating. If you were to walk down the street and tell everyone you loved them, what do you think would happen to you? You’d probably get socked!

These ideas of conflict and opposition in the human consciousness are reflected in the physical laws of matter that you observe. When your ideas change about these things, you will see a change in the way the physical laws of matter and energy are responding to you.

Q: OK, I get the idea. I just find it hard to believe that we could actually alter the behavior of matter and energy and change the physical laws of nature by simply thinking a certain way.

Yes, we see that! In your case there is a stubborn vibration within you that says: ‘it cannot be right unless scientists agree with it. Scientists are smarter than I am and smarter than 99% of people on the planet, so if the consensus of Science does not support an assertion, it cannot be true.’

What you fail to realize is that scientists are operating within the same universal laws as everyone else, and that most scientists are not aware of them. As we said before, the mindset of a scientist is usually, ‘it is not valid unless it is observed,’ which fails to realize that attention to something immediately biases the experiment energetically. Since this energy stream cannot be measured or observed, it is assumed that nothing is happening. But this is far from the truth. We gave an analogy earlier about the water coming through the garden hose. If what is postulated to be ‘true’ is not observed within a ‘reasonable’ length of time, or is not observed at all with the instruments presently available to science, it is said then not to exist or be demonstrable, therefore invalid. But the entire universe is designed so that the ‘stuff’ of the universe is responsive to consciousness! Therefore, continued focus on whatever is postulated will eventually bring it into existence. The ‘truth’ is not what is observed, but what is thought, felt, and believed by conscious beings, because conscious beings affect the conditions around them. That is the whole point of being in physical form! If the universe were merely running down according to some prearranged plan, and the function of beings was simply to observe and record, there would be no point to existence! Why design a universe and then not be able to alter the conditions in it? When you write a book you need to be able to edit and improve it before it is released. It would be maddening to have your first draft on a read–only document, would it not? In your nonphysical state you wanted to come to earth and experience the joy of creation in the physical universe, to use your creative ability to manifest, and to have fun!

Q: OK I finally get it. I guess it really isn’t so hard to understand that physical laws can be changed merely by a consciousness shift. It was just drummed into me in science classes that the laws of matter and energy are fundamental and unbreakable.

That is understandable! But we want you to lighten up and have more fun. Individual humans can manifest what they want from the potential and together humans as a whole can completely change the conditions in which they live, if it is so desired. The universe is set up that way! The universe has been designed to respond to your desires. When this is truly realized you will then begin to live the way you intended to, before you incarnated into a physical body.


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