Re: Hi me1101...
Hi Alikat, Thanks for the information and the links. I did learn a lot about the rules. I don't know what Spdina did, I have seen debate forum stuff, where everyone is talking in about the same tone to each other. I didn't see the particular post that must have been the one that was innapropriate and on a support forum, I know she likes to debate as many others do, and discussion gets rough with all of them.
I'm glad to hear that she can possibly get unbanned somehow.
I was also glad to see the thread that is on the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement forum right above these posts was moved here. We have people try to stir up doubt and confusion from time to time like that. I was wondering why it wasn't removed. Looks like the last 2 posts "broke the Camel's back" so to speak, although those people didn't start it--which goes to show that the negativity spreads. So, I agree with the rules. In Spdina's case, I hope she can come back soon because I know her only on our forum as very supportive. I understand popularity not being how CZ is suposed to work. But, it seems that moderators use popularity as a reason not to ban certain people themselves.
Anyway, I don't think people can help being influenced by their opinion of others, so I don't know how you could get an unbiased moderator. Since they have the power, I don't really have a solution. It just seems like to ban her from a forum where she was one of the more helpful ones hurts the forum. Voting and petitions are just a form of democracy. I don't think it is a horrible idea that if a particular forum wanted to allow a banned person that they be allowed to. Just a thought.
Thanks Again