Possibilities perhaps?
Years ago I took
Clarkia , a
parasite killer.
During the two times that I used it, I got deep ulcers on the tounge.
I didn't make the connection till 6 months later.
I no longer drooled while sleeping at night, a symptom of parasites.
It had killed
parasites within my tongue.
Therefore I speculated at the time they might also induce stuttering.
That's one.
Another would be an emotional imprint or as the Scienctologists call it an emgram. (Sp?)
This is simply an emotional imprint that gets triggered.
Similar to post traumatic stress.
Most cases stem from child abuse.
EFT or NLP should easily resolve this.
Imprints can be triggered when certain conditions are met:
Physical and/or verbal "clues" or even smells.
Have you ever seen a person that always avert their eyes should your eyes happen to connect?
While this can be caused by a frail ego, the most likely cause is a parent who "stared" down at them as a child and came up with "what are you looking at".
Should the child continue to "stare" at the parent, some form of physical violence would ensue.
Thus, these people have a real physical sense of danger and fear wash over them, just by eye connection.
Though height and sex may play as addtional factors in the imprint.
Going further, worst case I should think.
You may need to see a neurologist.
He would do other tests that may define a disease. (sorry)
Are you also having short term memory problems?
Head injury or trauma?
Age? Stroke perhaps?
Any sign of hand shakes or odd uncontrolled movments?
Started any new meds?
I think that about covers it from me.
I hope you find an answer and cure soonest.
Your Humble Servant,
Gracefully Savage