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Re: laying on of hands
HennaHead Views: 2,462
Published: 18 y
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Re: laying on of hands

A friend of mine was told she would lose her baby at 20 weeks. A lamaze teacher told me to go lay hands on her and demand the baby to be healed. Her baby made it to 40 weeks and I helped her deliver an 8lb 12oz baby girl.

Later, after I had lost 9 miscarriages and was pregnant again I drove to Spokane, Washington State and layed on John G. Lakes grave. I was told to abort my pregnancy. I told the specialist during my 7th ultrasound that I was believing in the unseen and not the things that are seen. My daughter was to be born blind, deaf, with brain tumor, clumped footed in both feet. That was if she made it past 20 weeks, and did not die after right after birth. I was induced one week after due date and she was born at 8lbs. 12oz. like the baby I had delivered. The doctor leaned down to me and said, "she is beautiful, she is perfect!" While in NIC unit a very tall doctor came in and said, "Is this her? Is this the miracle baby for which God hath healed?"
She was born with very few health issues and she is a gifted student now in 2nd grade.
Dr. Lake was not a medical doctor. He had layed hands on such a large number of people that were healed that the state of Washington gave him a license to practice medicine.
Before giving birth, I once was able to see angels and to know things before they happened. I am resting for a season. I need it! Being such a vessel can bring stong attacks on a human body.
Trapper now you know a little bit more about me! It's a secret so don't tell anyone.


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