Re: Drastic Changes!
Dave, it's so amazing to me that the folks around me, those that know me best just DON'T GET IT.
Mama wants to know why I'm such an extremist ... and with the things that matter to me, I certainly am:
Raised in the south, I went to the baptist or methodist church all my life. Today, I don't go to church ... I take the church with me through life. I'm into spiritual warfare. It's extreme, but it's old "church." The church turned Jesus' 3fold ministry into one of only salvation, what happened to healing and deliverance. God's still in the miracle working business and still talks to those of us who learn to use our "ears" to "hear." My christian mama has NO idea what that means. She reads the bible every single day and doesn't find it.
The only good a dr ever did me in my life was to help when I couldn't figure out what to do for myself. This time 2 years ago, I was dying from liver dysfunction and kidney failure. I'd seen 6 members of the family die within 24 months with these same symtoms ... in July, my best friend took her "out" from the same things. Monday night, 2 years ago, God showed me my path and hear I sit !!!!!! I'm working everyday. I've missed one day of work this year and it was caused by a stupid plate of barbeque. So yeah, I'm an extremist about health issues. I'm getting well and sit here watching the health of the folks in my house decline ... that's REAL hard. My mama was an extremely healthy lady before retirement and I attribute it to the fact that she spent 1/2 of her adult life as one of those ladies one sees walking on her lunch hour munching on a apple, literally, everyday.
Mama's allopathic ... drs and meds. When I cut up a bowl of fruit, I take her some. MAYBE, one day, she'll realize that the days she feels like doing a bit of yard work are the days following the fruit?????? It's like she's blind to it. In my world, that's demonic.
In Sanskrit (spelling?) writings, the "aliens"/called watchers in the book of Enoch brought fire to mankind, taught us to eat cooked foods. The first sin of mankind was over food and brought to Eve with "you won't surely die." Right, they ate the whatever and they didn't drop dead, it took awhile, like 900 yrs, but they died. Have ya ever sat in a church or a theorlogy class that got the connection between the original sin and food??? or where ya were taught that God is natural?? WAKE UP PEOPLE