Re: Do not despair
Let's assume that your body is not ultilizing your T3 and T4 properly. You must attempt to determine the underlying condition that is causing the problem. It is unlikely that taking Armour or Synthoid will give you any significant amount of relief. It's well worth a try, but I would advise against counting on a miracle.
You might start with the Krebbs, or Vitamin C Cycle. You might consider possible deficiencies of the minerals directly involved in the Krebs cycle.
Unfortunately, I am speaking from personal experience. I went through a number of MDs before I found one who was willing to prescribe a small trial dose of Armour based on my symptoms. I did not experience any significant benefit from the dose of Armor. Given the results, my MD was unwilling to try a larger dose.
At the time, I was suffering from a case of candida. Candida is know to disrupt the Krebs cycle. Since I have overcome the candida, I have greatly improved. However, full health still eludes me. Good luck, and God bless.