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Excellent call Molly
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Excellent call Molly

Perhaps like me after reading Herb-gals sad plea for help,  you signed off and started to reflect on your own past experiences.

I very rarely share my own experiences here on Curezone, but I didn't get to where I am today by osmosis.

When I first came to Curezone in '02, I was still healing from my previous marriage.  Although it was not the classic abuse such as you and SS describe, it was none the less a frightening and lonely period of my life.  I remember thinking that there was no other way out but to wait for death, and possibly as a subconscious desire for that escape, I did become deathly ill.  That's the reason why I was frantically looking into alternative health and the reason I came to Curezone.

The fact is, that for a period of about six years, my personality went from bubbly, self assured, productive and happy person, to a desperate, forlorn, confused, depressed and self destructive one.  It took almost seven years for me to realize what had happened to me, and I would have just stayed stuck in a miserable, cruel and passive aggressive situation, except for what I consider a divine opportunity sent to my life.  An older and happily married woman befriended me.  I had become so lost and forlorn that I did not feel like being approached by others.  I pushed old friends away and withdrew ever more into my own shell.  But this kind and wonderful older lady (a pastor's wife) had seen and heard enough women in  her life to know the signs of a disturbed woman.  She insisted on reaching me, she pried, inquired, knocked at my fortress, and when the walls finally broke, she was there to help pick up the pieces.

In looking back, I realize that had not this older, wiser woman showed up in my life, I would probably be in the same situation still, or worse, I would have allowed it to consume me to the point of death.

All of that is over now.  I slowly got back to being a whole and happy person, I found a wonderful man with whom to share my life, but I will never be the same again.  If I had to do it all over again,...tough call,...because I wouldn't want to have to go through the deathly nightmare again, but I wouldn't want to be without the experience I've gained.

Today, I have finally realized why I come in here when I get the chance, looking for others to help set them free.  It would have never happened for me if it wasn't for her.  I know she won't ever read this, but I still would like to put it up into the universe via Curezone:  Thank you Miss Elsa, for helping me to get my life back and allowing me to see that in spite of all my self doubts, WOW, it really wasn't my fault!!! 

Thank you to all who share with others; like Elsa, you may never know the eternal good you're doing for someone else.



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