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Re: fast considerations for january fast
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Re: fast considerations for january fast

A good church is a good option for the children and family; it does not mean you have to swallow all their teachings. Actually just trust the Bible and it is a great guide book.

When I say CHURCH, I say it as a BLANKET term for Organized religion.

I have never been a member of a church and NEVER EVER WILL, but I have no problem walking into any church, no differant than any public school of government building. I personally don't need "others", I never have. I have always been content; but females/kids, etc. enjoy friends and they find better than normal ones at churches (hopefully).

I find very few people believe as they use to, people in general are becoming AWARE and you can tell because the people just put their time in and go home. A few percent do as the church would desire and churches in general are shrinking FAST.

When you listen to a Pastor, just ignore his weaknesses and take it for what it is worth. Read the Bible 3X front to back, 10 pages per night as you go to bed. It is a very good book, sad that the churches choose to discredit the authors and accept the pope.



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