Re: fast considerations for january fast
Okay, first off, I believe I am God and God is me. It stems from the Adam and Eve theory. Adam was created from God's likeness. Eve was created from Adam, who was created from God's likeness. WE all stem from Adam and Eve's DNA, which makes ALL OF US, in God's likeness.
I realize that if my temple (body) is pure. My connection to God stays open much more easily than if it is not. With that said, I do not believe that I am not connected to God, when my temple (body) is not pure. It just may be a bit harder to connect than when pure.
My temple (body) is not pure. In this moment, I am eating what I choose to eat. I can tell that it is not the best for my body, due to the responses of my body YET I still connect to God, daily. My connections are better than they have been in the past, due to ME desiring the connection, more than desiring the life I chose in the past. When my body (temple) becomes purer the connection with God will resonate on a whole other spectrum than it is, in this time.