Heya Rife,
sounds like you are a lucky person. That your body was not housing many parasites OR you could be like me, I did not notice things coming out of my body, so much. First off, I did look a few times. Then, I thought euwwww, I do not care to know if there are parasites coming out of my body, as in viewing. I stopped.
I will tell you this though. Although I did not see any expelled from my body. I know something happened during Humaworm. I could not ingest dairy without stomach problems...gassy, bloating, etc. While doing Humaworm, I had symptoms of die-off (again, not seeing though). Well, I had decided I wanted an ice cream, one day and bought it. I am willing to suffer the consequences from eating ice cream, occasionally. I went to the ice cream parlor, bought my fav. and ate it all, without ANY problems (save the mucous, which is not caused by parasites...I believe.) I did not have stomach problems that day. I thought I would test it again and drank a full glass of milk *had drank a swallow or two, with minimal problems, not a full glass though*. Again, the mucous but NO stomach problems.
So, maybe, it did work, very well for you. You just haven't noticed what you came to expect to be normal, as not happening anymore (I hope that came out making sense.)