Progress Report after almost a year of Iodine Supplementation and interesting liver flush
I just wanted to report my progress of supplementing with
Lugol's since last February. I began taking
Lugol's because of severe FBD. When I began, I was already liver flushing, oil pulling, salt water flushing, rebounding, colonics, essential oil therapy, Vegan lifestyle (70%), only distilled water,
Amalgams removed, etc. I had just quit smoking and thought it would help with that as well. I am 44 and have had FBD since in my early 20's. I began with 4 drops, then 8, then 20 and now I take approximately 75 drops per day. No detox anymore -- no headaches, no suffering from the Lugols. The only strange thing that I think relates to the
Iodine is that I am always cold. I was never cold before the Iodine. Unfortunatley, I began smoking again (organic ciggs -- thank you, Trapper) but I feel better than I did 20 years ago.
The reason I am posting now is because I did my 23rd
Liver Flush this weekend -- two in a row Saturday and Sunday back to back. The stones were almost always plentiful in past flushes but this time, they were not and were very small -- tiny stones -- and this leads me to believe the
Iodine is responsible. There was no sludge, none of the usual flush results. I haven't done a
Liver-Flush since last December so I was expecting the mother load. This flush was so non-eventful in every way. Even the
Epsom Salts did not bother me in the least, which is very unusual.
The other reason I am posting is my FBD remains unchanged for the most part. At 75 drops per day since at least Oct. 1st, my breasts are not responding yet. I just want all of you other women to hang in there --- it might take another year, it might take two. I don't know but I love
Lugol's and this forum and am truly blessed by all of you. Thank you especially to V, W and T for everything you do for so many. And, the rest of you, don't be afraid of upping your dosage. I feel better than ever at 75 drops. My lumpy and large breasts will get with the program in due time.
I will be gone for the holiday and just wanted to share my progress and wish everyone a Happy Happy Holiday. I rarely post because of work but "lurk" as often as possible.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all,