18 y
Originally Posted
But I have read all of Sylvia's books.
I was a fan from the very start.
I even bought the original booklets that were first sold from her website, as well as had a phone reading from her. I was so thrilled to find out the names of my and my husbands guides (as well as our totems) that I was jumping for joy (literally) for days. Recently, I managed to ask the same question (my guides name) on an MSN celebrity chat with her, and she gave me a completely different name. I immediately asked the moderators to ask her if I've had the same spirit guide for the past few years, and yes, Sylvia "confirmed" that I've had the same one my entire life.
So did my spirit guide change her name?
Or is Sylvia Browne *sadly* a fraud?
Or did she simply lose her talent?
I have serious doubts that I never had before.
I posted this "old" miners news because it was new news to me.