--answer--Winter Blues got you?--Solution--Vit D--
Hi dbb,
Your question: I live in upper USA - D is extra important for us, but I have been reading that D suppliments may help even in sunny times/areas. This fall I took just one 1,000 mg and did not notice any difference. I upped this dose to two 1,000 mg with 1st meal and one 1,000 mg with 2nd meal. I had bad cracking on my finger tips from cutting garlic and the improvement in my fingers is dramatic (normal skin areas and whee there is still cracking, the cracks are better. Also, I am not getting any dry tuffness on the skin of my nuckles as in other winters. My one leg is another whole story and that continues to improve - been alkalising 8 months. There is no doubt the vitamin D is enhancing regeneration. I suspect D helps with the utilisation of all minerals and wonder what ML's thoughts might be about this?
Answer: You may be correct in that Vit D is very Important, this is "WHY" I suggested the Cold water Fish and cod liver oil, because of the Vit D !
And when folks do not get enough sunshine, they may Greatly Benefit from supplying Vit D in some form, be it thru the cold water Fish or cod liver oil or Vit D oils !
And as you have mentioned, this includes folks in the summer time who do not get enough sunshine also !
Smile Tis your choice.