Cool report mkbSFO
Awesome encouragement I love the fact you are using Acupuncture in conjunction as I am too! I am also an acupuncturist and I find it fascinating how the spleen sort of tanks in the beginning of the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement process I finding this to be true even if the spleen is stable at the start. thus all the cold and flu like symptoms, diarrhea and IBS, allergies too!!! Also the liver takes a beating too I have noticed I am an angry (livery... in TCM ... crank pot) at times during this process. Then the kidneys play hell filtering out the toxins and some get that low backache !!!
anyway much to learn I have not told my therapist about the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement YET she'll muscle test it for sure so rather than explain it to her first I'll just let her test it then blow her mind with the details!!!
By the way have not yet retested for merc levels yet I want to keep going with this to see how far it takes me then test.
I also do rife TX's on myself which really knocks back cold/flu/ allergy symptoms.
Still having IBS tho not as bad. Now at 5 drops(again I had been at 15 2x's per day for a week or more and could not take it) 2 x's day along with 3 squirts paradophilus 2x's day and 3 green drinks a day plus Amino's, Coq,Cal/mag, ionic minerals, EFA's
keep up the goodness of it all!!