Re: Gardasil – Greed or depopulation?
Wow. There's a correlation between the 4 strains of HPV in the vaccine and genital warts and cervical cancer. Not all people who contract HPV get cervical cancer. But most people who have cervical cancer have HPV. I don't think anyone has ever said that only HPV causes cervical cancer, besides this blog you just cited.
The reason why people are pushing this vaccine is because there is such a strong correlation between cervical cancer and specific strains of HPV. Most people do clear strains of HPV on their own, it's these particularly virulent strains that are the culprits behind many cases of cervical cancer. As for why they are targeting young girls...the thought process is that if you vaccinate them before they are sexually active, then the vaccine will be effective. Since most, hopefully all 9 year olds have not been sexually active, that's the age they got approval for. Many parents are uncomfortable giving a vaccine for something that's transmitted sexually, to their pre-pubertal child. However, the effectivenesss goes down drastically once children start having sex because they might get exposed to HPV. It's certainly not an effort to sterilize children. Personally I feel that there would be less opposition to the vaccine if it had been tested and approved for boys as well. It seems that it's not approved for boys because they did not do their studies on boys because boys don't have cervixes (cervices?) Of course we all know it takes 2 (or more for some lucky devils) to tango so it stands to reason that vaccinating boys before they become sexually active will only further reduce the rates of HPV transmissions and cervical cancer. However, studies cost lots of money.
Can't comment on the HCG stuff because I haven't heard enough about it. However, pregnancy tests are based on urine and blood levels of beta-HCG, which increase during pregnancy, so it doesn't seem likely that injected HCG will permanently sterilize women.