Re: need advice
It is obvious that this is pathogenic related. The lymph congestion and sligtly elevated CRP would indicate this. I have had similar symptomology ... the CRP is generally regarded (please check) as a marker for bacterial invasion.
CFS is a general term for describing an infective state or multi infective states... I got caught up in that terminology, it is really of no value except to say you have a pathogen in you. :>(
Depression and other mental distrubances are the result of the immune reaction, cytokines are immune complexes that are secreted under immune assault. They change mental funtioning quite dramatically. In addition to these, the body uses its endocrinological stores (hypothalamus, pitituary and adrenal and gonadal) to mount a response against the pathogen. These have powerful physiological and psychoactive properties.
Interal heat or sweating is another sign of pathogenic invasion, as are the chills, night sweats etc., typically this is a sign of a humoral immune response which would indicate either a
parasite or bacterial invasion.
You have several options that could be the culprit (
parasite helminth,
parasite protozoan, parasite fluke, bacterial, viruses, yeast mold and fungus) (take this with a grain of salt:: in looking at you thru dowsing I see a propensity towards the parasite arena, with a stronger inclination towards a fluke or flatworm infestation)>
You could try some general bombs like garlic, oil of oregano,, olive leaf, and lots of other herbs. There is plenty of good scientific info on using fresh garlic It has been shown to eliminate most bacterial infections ...adequate dosing of vitamin C would be helpful ... supportive nutrients such as many of the b complex family of vitamins would be good as well as vitamin A .... checking vitamin D status might be helpful as well...
You could try some of the anti parasite stuff as mentioned on this board or you may need a stronger therapy like a rx.
I would think that doing a process of elimination would be the best thing to do.
You could look at oxidative therapies ... I have done hydrogen peroxide IV's and ozone therapies (ozone being the most helpful) and I am currently experimenting w/ using
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (curezone has a forum for this product) although it is relatively new, the scientific background has validity and the anedoctal reports have been positive. It acts like a broad spectrum microbe killer.