"Slave" to no one, but salve advocate
Whether salves remove toxins or actual tumors, I don't know, but what they pulled out of my thigh
http://www.truthquest2.com (must enter from an intro page) I'm glad to have gone. And they don't just dig holes indiscriminately. I've tried to remove an unsightly mole several times with no luck, but when applied close to a lump in my chin and later a lump in my leg, it went to work.
We first heard about it when a friend of my husband was diagnosed with terminal metasticized cancer. One treatment and it was gone. My husband wanted to try it when diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. That is gone also.
However, I would never advocate or rely on one single protocol for healing. When my leg went bad, I flew right to the Johanna Budwig protocal, pancreatic enzymes, carrot/celery/beet juice, folic acid, selenium, superfoods, probiotics, Schussler Cell Salts, glandular protomorphogens, constitutional hydrotherapy, and a number of detoxifying programs, including
parasite cleanse and liver-gallbladder flushing. I was already being treated for the glandular deficiency that probably set everything off. And I had the advantage that few others have of having access to the O.G. Carroll
food intolerance test to know what foods were poisoning me. This plays into everything and there are no medical tests that do what this does. To this regimen I've added Ocean Plasma
http://www.oceanplasma.com for remineralization and pH normalization, which is necessary for cancer recovery, and for most other diseases, and a stress-reduction program from
I don't sell anything. I give away the salve formula just as it was given to me. But if I had it to do over again I'd go to Dan Raber's site for product and info.
I've also used the salve to remove glass shards imbedded in my foot, to kill a horrible fungal infection threatening my little granddaughter with baldness, and to get rid of a dangerous-looking mole on hubby's neck. The photos are all on my site--but they are GRAPHIC. Also, the salve treatment often has to be repeated. My husband's friend with the metasticized cancer checks herself with the salve every years for over 10 years now, with no reaction. But I was careless with my leg and broke off roots (seen in photos--do toxins come with roots?) and had to re-do the treatment and will soon go at it again to make sure I got it all. It did make a small scar both on my chin and leg, but not disfiguring. At most my instructions say to apply salve in the size of a quarter, but that could enlarge if the mass is much bigger, I suppose. And if the cancer is external, of course the salve would cover the entire thing like the really gross neck photos I "borrowed" from Raber's site.
I'm waiting for someone to come and take me away and turn me into a health freedom warrior. It won't be quietly. I already had to deal with the U.S. Secret Service for sending research data on vaccines to the wrong person. Trial by fire is done. Bring it on.