Microimagery of "demons" a seventh sense
I have suspected that we have the ability to image internal and even microscopic entities in some subconscious, subliminal fashion. This would seem to be a necessary part of the feedback loop to maintain physical integrity. This would explain the phenomena of people dreaming they have some disease and the diagnosis turning out to be valid. I had a dream of a tooth cavity in a specific place, for example, and it became obvious many months later.
I strongly sensed this tendency in art school. These art students were unique observers in their own right and I took them more literally than they did themselves, seeing in many art pieces microscopic manifestations similar to those seen in Scientific American. I also found unique sensory abilities when I bypassed my mental filters in doing art, something people find when journaling. I found myself painting auras that I could not see.
I also found that when I was receiving chiropractic care I could often, in my mind's eye, flash on a kind of x-ray of the part of my skeleton being treated, though rather unfamiliar with anatomy.
parasites could, I think, be imaged with this seventh sense. I have made the parallel that
parasite removal seems like the descriptions of exorcisms, raging, or pleading to be left alone. They will do anything to stay. And indeed the greatest toxic reaction is often to the dead
parasite itself, as with Candida, a kind of punishment for killing the interloper off. Just say, "No."
I would suggest that the ingestion of
Wormwood , the brain cell-melting ingredient in Van Gogh's Absinthe, could lead to a permanent override of this system which is meant to run in the background. I would remove any
Wormwood from the mix to avoid being stuck in the grisly micro level. God bless and thanks for sharing.
Don't forget that once off these powerful herbs (which would otherwise over-absorb into the system from electrical stimulation of the cell wall), one can use Beck's electrical blood/microamps, lymph/magnetic blaster, and gut area cleansing/silver colloid available at
http://www.sotainstruments.com. This will kill
parasites in the one-celled proliferative phase, so is good maintenance. May the Creator grant us abundant life and radiant health.