Sorry, David, I do not agree
I have observed your posts from when you first arrived on this forum, and at that time I also went to your forum and studied your posts there. I have personally seen postings of yours that were what I consider VERY personally negative, not just debating issues at all, but going after individuals..
I do believe in debate, that it has a place ... but that place is here on the debate forum, not in the support forum.
And, I believe that raising valid issues and discussing them does have a place on the actual support forum. I totally do not believe in stifling intellectual curiosity or investigation, both of which absolutely belong on the Support Forum. Unfortunately people confuse valid inquiry and discussion with negative emotion.
I prefer that mods NOT move or delete threads or posts with which they do not agree ... in fact I hope they keep and encourage them. The ones that SHOULD be hidden or moved IMO are:
Threads/posts that attack or criticize another personally, or or that are dismissive or highly critical of their thoughts, but on a very personal level
Threads/posts that are posted for the purpose of stimulating debate, not inquiry
Threads that are significantly off-topic
Here is an example:
If I post that "MMS does such and such in my experience ..." , and you reply with "It does not ... ", that is what I would consider to be debate oriented. If you have information or personal experience that is opposite to what the original posted supplied, then just supply your information and leave it at that. Such information should ALWAYS be welcomed, ESPECIALLY if it contradicts the status quo, and deserves additional inquiry.
The basis of learning and knowledge is not emotional, conflict-oriented dialogue, however much it might satisfy one's need for it.