Very cool and if you don't have a pendulum...
Stand with your bottle of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement grasped in both hands at the solar plexus, just above your navel, and ask your body if it wants
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Your body will pull you toward
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (forward) if it needs it and push away (backwards) if it doesn't need it.
A good book on this is "The Ultimate Healing System."
Upon looking this up I turned to the page that discussed Chlorine (I know chlorine dioxide is NOT the same, but I found it interesting nonetheless....)
"Chlorine is an essential mineral...a general cleanser of the organism, expelling waste matter, helping to clean the blood, and having a tendancy to reduce excessive fat. Chlorine unites with hydrogen and other elements to form hydrochloric acid, which is needed for proper digestion and mineral assimilation. Chlorine also helps the liver in its detoxifying activity."
"Defiecency Symptoms:
Lack of chlorine can impair digestion, cause obesity, goiter, minors disease, hypoactive adrenals and meningitis."