I know I did read that Miracle-Mineral-Supplement kills all "bad bugs". I got the impression most of the testimonials were more for the microscopic type. I guess I just haven't noticed any testimonials yet for people expelling worms, liverflukes and all the regular ones people are trying to get rid of.
I've never done a proper parasite cleanse and I think I do have them. I think my inner environment has been acidic enough that the likelihood for an infestation is pretty high.
Would it be prudent to also do a parasite cleanse? I can't do herbals but I think I may be able to do an enzymatic type, I have a question in to Dr. Sutter about it now. It would be more of a long term gentle thing I think.
Has anybody seen anyone mention seeing a lot of worms, etc. coming out (excuse my graphicness!) after they started on Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ?