Re: 'Write it' seems to be the most powerful way
Terrific, Oreocrackers!
Did the writing of your list lift you? Do you feel as though your vision has been refreshed?
I first did this years ago, when I was really low. Thinking about it now, I remember that the words I wrote were limited to my situation at the time. Still, they were positive and loving words. After a while I noticed that they had less meaning for me, I think I had grown beyond that emotional state. It took about a year, I think. And I had landed in a happier place...thank goodness.
Perhaps writing the words is a good step to help us progress.
I look forward to hearing your experience.
(I've read the text you included, but not yet the word list. I want to study it when I have more time. Very, very interesting.)
Thanks so much for telling.
Good fortune, and happy days, my friend.