Hi Fledgling!
You have inspired me to finish typing a list of words (and their alternatives) which may be incorporated to improve ones life or for a start change your perspective. I intend to print out the list cut out the positive words and follow your advice - spread them around, maybe in a plant, cupboard, pocket, drawer...
From the book "Power vs Force" by David R Hawkins MD, PhD
I would be curious to hear what others think of his book(s). He seems to have taken Applied Kinisiology (or the application of it) to a new level.
The ability to differentiate between high- and low-energy patterns is a matter of perception and discrimination that most of us learn by painful trail and error. Failure, suffering, and eventual sickness result from the influence of weak patterns; success, happiness, and health proceed from powerful attractor patters. Therefore it’s well worth taking a few minutes to scan the list of contrasting patterns below, which have been researched and calibrated to determine their respective criteria. This exhaustive list is an educational tool operating from the principle of closure. Reflection on the many contrasting pairs of qualities can initiate a consciousness-raising process so that one gradually becomes aware of patterns operating in relationships, business affairs and all other various interactions that make up the fabric of life. On the left (BOLD) are adjectives describing powerful (positive) patterns, which calibrate above 200; on the right, weak (negative) patterns, which calibrate below 200.
Just reading over this list makes you a different person – merely to become aquainted with the differences between these poles begins to increase ones inner power. With these distinctions in mind we’ll start to notice things we never observed before. Such revelations occur because, as the reader will discover, the universe favors power.
Moreover, the Universe doesn’t forget. There are many sides to the question of karma, but every choice of who and how to be is a chouce of great consequence, as all of our choices reverberate through the ages. Thousands of reports of near death experiences, as reflected in such best selling books as Dannion Brinkley’s “Saved by the Light” or BJ Eadies’s “Embraced by the Light” (which calibrates at 595), confirm that we shall eventually have to accept responsibility for every thought, word and deed we generate, and will reexperience exactly the same suffering we have caused. It’s in this sense that we each create our own heaven or hell.
The universe holds its breath as we choose, instant by instant, which pathway to follow; for the universe, the very essence of life itself is highly conscious. Every act, thought and choice adds to a permanent mosaic; our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all. Lest this idea be considered either mystical or fanciful, lets remember that the fundamental tenet of the new theoretical physics: Everything in the universe is connected with everything else!
Our choices reinforce the formation of powerful M-Fields, which are the attractor patterns that influence others wheather we wish them to or not. Every act or descision we make that supports life, supports all life, including our own. The ripples we create return to us – this, which may once have seemed a metaphysical statement, is now established as scientific fact.
Everything in the universe constantly gives off an energy pattern of a specific frequency that remains for all time and can be read by those who know how. Every word deed and intention creates a permanent record. Every thought is known and is recorded forever. There are no secrets; nothing is hidden nor can it be. Our spirits stand naked in time for all to see – everyone’s life , finally is accountable to the universe.ABUNDANT EXCESSIVE